Thursday, December 24, 2009


Illegal: forbidden by law or statute

The outlaws in Congress are gearing up for a new amnesty push to reward criminals for breaking our laws by smuggling themselves into our country, stealing our jobs and draining resources (medical, education, law enforcement). Ethically bankrupt individuals like Sens. Harry Reid, Juan McCain and Reps. Joe Baca and Luis Gutierrez will be the ring leaders in this upcoming battle. Political correctness and outright cowardice in dealing with the invasion of close to 20 MILLION illegal aliens, regardless of country of origin, has brought nothing but misery and pain to this nation. It hasn't mattered one bit to these professional politicians that the word illegal means forbidden by law.

It hasn't mattered one bit to federal judges who have ruled that criminals who break our laws have some sort of "right" to free health care, free education and other financial benefits paid for by the sweat of your labor. Those federal judges should have been impeached by Congress. Instead, their rulings have wrecked havoc on our people and nation while Congress has sat on their corrupt backsides and done nothing. But, what about state legislators who have voted to give these criminals driver's licenses so they can work? Remember what the usurper in the White House, Obama/Soetoro said, "When I was a state senator in Illinois, I voted to require that illegal aliens get trained, get a license, get insurance to protect public safety. That was my intention. The problem we have here is not driver's licenses. Undocumented workers do not come here to drive. They're here to work."

They're here to work? They have no right to even be in this country, much less help themselves to jobs that belong to Americans. Comrade Obama wants to reward them by stealing the fruits of your labor to train them, give them driver's licenses and steal American jobs. This is the morally bankrupt individual people voted for to bring "change" and "hope." Marxist Obama brought more of the same and worse. Juan McCain stands right next to him on this issue.

This rot has seeped into the state houses as well. Four states of the Union allow these criminals to have driver's licenses: Hawaii, New Mexico, Washington and Utah. Those state legislatures are aiding and abetting criminals who have violated federal laws. Those legislators and the governors have signaled loud and clear that it's a good thing to reward those who break the law and rub it in our faces. What happens when an illegal with a Utah driver's license hits and kills an American citizen in San Diego and then skips across the border? Are we then supposed to thank Utah's legislature for the carnage they let loose?

At a time when unemployment is running at 17 million out of work and 37.2 million on food stamps, those MILLIONS of jobs held by illegal aliens should be going to Americans:

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