Thursday, January 7, 2010


Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is a must read for everyone

Full ViewFwd: Craig's List

Fw: Craig's List

Craig's ListThursday, December 31, 2009 12:51:16 PMFrom:


To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before last.

I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend’s purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this rather important message.

First, I’d like to apologize for your embarrassment; I didn’t expect you to actually crap in your pants when I drew my pistol after you took my jacket. The evening was not that cold, and I was wearing the jacket for a reason. My girlfriend had just bought me that Kimber Model 1911 .45 A CP pistol for my birthday, and we had picked up a shoulder holster for it that very evening. Obviously you agree that it is a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head ... isn’t it?!

I know it probably wasn’t fun walking back to wherever you’d come from with that brown sludge in your pants. I’m sure it was even worse walking bare-footed since I made you leave your shoes, cell phone, and wallet with me. That prevented you from calling or running to your buddies to come help mug us again.

After I called your mother, or “Momma” as you had her listed in your cell, I explained the entire episode of what you’d done. Then I went and filled up my gas tank as well as those of four other people in the gas station, -- on your credit card. The guy with the big motor home took 150 gallons and was extremely grateful!

I gave your shoes to a homeless guy outside Vinnie Van Go Go’s, along with all the cash in your wallet. [That made his day!]

I then threw your wallet into the big pink “pimp mobile” that was parked at the curb ... after I broke the windshield and side window and keyed the entire driver’s side of the car.

Later, I called a bunch of phone sex numbers from your cell phone. Ma Bell just now shut down the line, although I only used the phone for a little over a day now, so what’s going on with that? Earlier, I managed to get in two threatening phone calls to the DA’s office and one to the FBI, while mentioning President Obama as my possible target.

The FBI guy seemed really intense and we had a nice long chat (I guess while he traced your number etc.).

In a way, perhaps I should apologize for not killing you ... but I feel this type of retribution is a far more appropriate punishment for your threatened crime. I wish you well as you try to sort through some of these rather immediate pressing issues, and can only hope that you have the opportunity to reflect upon, and perhaps reconsider, the career path you’ve chosen to pursue in life. Remember, next time you might not be so lucky.

Have a good day!
Thoughtfully yours,


P.S. Remember this motto ... An armed society makes for a more civil society!
I probably don’t have to ask you to forward this one

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Illegal immigrant fails to sway judge in sex case

Atlanta Journal-Constitution ^
Kathy Jefcoats

Posted on Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:15:22 PM by madprof98
A judge refused Wednesday to drop child molestation charges against an illegal Mexican immigrant who argued Clayton County police violated diplomatic law during the arrest. Eligio Chia-Duran, 30, alleged a violation of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, an international treaty adopted by the United States, because arresting officers failed to tell Chia-Duran he had the right to contact the Mexican embassy in Atlanta.

Chia-Duran is charged with aggravated battery and aggravated child molestation involving the then-8-month-old daughter of his girlfriend. The mother, Fabiola Delgado Mata, 20, also is charged. The baby, who is paralyzed from the waist down because of injuries allegedly inflicted by Chia-Duran, is in state custody.

Defense lawyer Stephen Mackie said after the hearing, "A diplomat from his own country could have explained his rights to him in Spanish, emphasizing his right to remain silent and not make a statement, which is a right not all countries have." But Clayton deputy chief assistant District Attorney John Turner said Chia-Duran didn't identify himself as a foreign national when he was arrested in December and even presented a North Carolina driver's license as proof of identity. "To argue this point, you first have to prove that the officer knew the suspect to be a foreign national," he said. "And he's had a privately retained attorney from Day 1 and he hasn't made an effort to contact the embassy on his behalf."

Mackie said Chia-Duran does not speak English. He has required an English-Spanish interpreter at every court hearing. Clayton County Superior Court Judge Matthew O. Simmons rejected the defense motion, but Mackie said he may appeal. University College London professor Eileen Denza, who teaches classes on the Vienna Convention, said the treaty is usually invoked during murder or death penalty cases.

Turner said he is familiar with its use in arrests on the Mexican-U.S. border but Georgia police officers just aren't trained to advise suspects of that particular right. Mackie said the problem could be resolved with an addition to the already mandated Miranda warning. "It would be a simple thing to add a line to the Miranda warning and advise everybody of that right," he said. "A foreign national doesn't have to be a Mexican who doesn't speak English, it could be a Canadian who talks just like us."


Investigation: Illegal Workers On Elmendorf AFB

Andrea Gusty, CBS 11 News

Created: 12/16/2009 12:11:02 PM PST

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTVA-CBS 11 News) A contractor hired for a major construction project on Elmendorf Air Force Base broke both state and federal law.
At issue: the illegal immigrants that were granted access to the base to help construct the Air Force's new F-22 hangars.
This summer the Air Force started a multi-million dollar effort to build new F-22 hangars on Elmendorf Air Force Base. The contractor hired for the steel work was Steel System Erectors out of California.
An investigation has reviled the company employed undocumented workers and allowed them access to a national security site. A "critical infrastructure site essential to national security." That is how the federal government describes Elmendorf Air Force Base. At each entrance, security checks the ids and has the right to search the vehicles of all who enter the base. So then, how were illegal immigrants with forged and expired documents granted access?

"I do not have a clue how a contractor was able to take these individuals onto a military base, constructing a building for one of our most sophisticated fighter planes." Says Ironworkers Local 751 President/Organizer John Lewis. Lewis noticed this summer that Steel System Erectors out of southern California had not hired any local workers. In fact, he found the company flew 30 employees from California to Alaska for the job.
"For you to be able to bid a job and win it with the cost of air fare and housing for that many men raises a huge red flag that something- there's another area where you are cheating," says Lewis, "Either your cutting costs on workers comp, or you are misclassifying your workers."  Not only did the company not follow Alaska's workers comp law for their thirty employees, but four were found to be undocumented workers.

"It's extremely disturbing that a contractor is able to, day after day for months on end, take undocumented workers and get them through security," says Lewis. While they declined to talk on camera, officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement did confirm four of Steel System Erectors' employees on the Elmendorf job did not have proper employment documents, and one of those even had a criminal history in California. Since the federal investigation at the end of October, all four men have been arrested. One of the workers has been deported, two voluntarily returned to their country, and one will be pleading his case in front of an immigration judge.

Elmendorf officials say while the illegal workers did not have access to the sensitive areas of the base. Still, they are now looking more closely at their contractors. In a statement sent to the Eye Team, 3rd Wing Public Affairs Deputy Chief Stephen Lee says, "We take this incident very seriously and have begun a complete review of all contractors working on the base." Lewis says the damage has already been done in terms of the loss of jobs and wages for local workers. "When a contractor is allowed through fraudulent business practices, to come into Alaska and take jobs from Alaskans, its very detrimental to us as a whole, whether you are union or non union," he says. The newly strengthened E-verify rules were supposed to prevent this exact thing from happening.

E-verify is a government program that compares information employers provide about their workers to federal government databases to verify worker's employment eligibility. It's designed to ensure only legal American workers are employed on government projects.

Only it was not followed for the Elmendorf project. "The contractor is responsible for vetting any prospective employee to ensure they meet citizenship requirements," Lee said in his statement, "In this instance, undocumented workers used fake identification to gain employment with the contractor." As for any legal action, Elmendorf officials say they are working to review their contract with Steel System Erectors to see what action if any should be taken. Steel System Erectors did not return repeated calls for comment.

To contact Andrea Gusty, call 907-273-3146.


Illegal: forbidden by law or statute

The outlaws in Congress are gearing up for a new amnesty push to reward criminals for breaking our laws by smuggling themselves into our country, stealing our jobs and draining resources (medical, education, law enforcement). Ethically bankrupt individuals like Sens. Harry Reid, Juan McCain and Reps. Joe Baca and Luis Gutierrez will be the ring leaders in this upcoming battle. Political correctness and outright cowardice in dealing with the invasion of close to 20 MILLION illegal aliens, regardless of country of origin, has brought nothing but misery and pain to this nation. It hasn't mattered one bit to these professional politicians that the word illegal means forbidden by law.

It hasn't mattered one bit to federal judges who have ruled that criminals who break our laws have some sort of "right" to free health care, free education and other financial benefits paid for by the sweat of your labor. Those federal judges should have been impeached by Congress. Instead, their rulings have wrecked havoc on our people and nation while Congress has sat on their corrupt backsides and done nothing. But, what about state legislators who have voted to give these criminals driver's licenses so they can work? Remember what the usurper in the White House, Obama/Soetoro said, "When I was a state senator in Illinois, I voted to require that illegal aliens get trained, get a license, get insurance to protect public safety. That was my intention. The problem we have here is not driver's licenses. Undocumented workers do not come here to drive. They're here to work."

They're here to work? They have no right to even be in this country, much less help themselves to jobs that belong to Americans. Comrade Obama wants to reward them by stealing the fruits of your labor to train them, give them driver's licenses and steal American jobs. This is the morally bankrupt individual people voted for to bring "change" and "hope." Marxist Obama brought more of the same and worse. Juan McCain stands right next to him on this issue.

This rot has seeped into the state houses as well. Four states of the Union allow these criminals to have driver's licenses: Hawaii, New Mexico, Washington and Utah. Those state legislatures are aiding and abetting criminals who have violated federal laws. Those legislators and the governors have signaled loud and clear that it's a good thing to reward those who break the law and rub it in our faces. What happens when an illegal with a Utah driver's license hits and kills an American citizen in San Diego and then skips across the border? Are we then supposed to thank Utah's legislature for the carnage they let loose?

At a time when unemployment is running at 17 million out of work and 37.2 million on food stamps, those MILLIONS of jobs held by illegal aliens should be going to Americans:


79 percent of NRA members believe Obama will ban gun sales

By Michael O'Brien - 12/10/09 02:59 PM ET

The vast majority of the National Rifle Association's (NRA) members believe President Barack Obama will try to ban the sale of guns, a new poll found. A new national survey of gunowners both affiliated and unaffiliated with the NRA found that they believe the president will act to ban gun sales. 79 percent of NRA members believe Obama will definitely or probably try to outlaw gun sales, according to a poll released Thursday that was conducted by GOP pollster Frank Luntz and commissioned by Mayors Against Illegal Guns. 18 percent of NRA members saw it as unlikely for Obama to ban firearms sales. Gunowners unaffiliated with the NRA still saw it as likely for Obama to outlaw gun sales, though by a lesser margin. 57 percent of non-NRA members said the president would definitely or probably try to ban gun sales, whereas 30 percent said Obama likely wouldn't try to criminalize gun sales.

More broadly, the poll found that NRA members were open to regulations requiring background checks and banning gun sales to criminals. 82 percent of NRA members support a law prohibiting individuals on terrorist watch lists from purchasing guns, while 69 percent of the group's membership supports closing the loophole allowing individuals to purchase guns at firearms expos without going through the legally-mandated background check. The group's members do support new rules that would expand areas into which they could carry their weapons, though.

76 percent of NRA members support allowing guns in U.S. national parks (51 percent of non-members support that measure.) and 61 percent of NRA members support allowing guns on Amtrak trains. (Non-NRA members oppose the measure 42-33 percent.) The nationwide poll, conducted Nov. 25-Dec. 2, has a 3.5 percent margin of error.

Doug Kass Predicts 2010's Big Colored Swans And Turkeys

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/21/2009 13:36 -0500

A list which contains both some quite interesting swans and turkeys:

1. There is a glaring upside to first-quarter 2010 corporate profits (up 100% year over year) and first-quarter 2010 GDP (up 4.5%). It grows clear that, owing to continued draconian cost cuts, coupled with a series of positive economic releases and a long list of company profit guidance increases in mid to late January and early February, there is a very large upside to first-quarter GDP (up 4.5%) and, even more important, to S&P profit growth (which doubles!). The upside on both counts is in sharp contrast to more muted growth expectations. While corporate managers, economists and strategists raise earnings per share, full-year growth and S&P target estimates, surprisingly, the U.S. equity market fails to respond positively to the much better growth dynamic, and the S&P 500 remains tightly range-bound (between 1,050 and 1,150) into spring 2010.

2. Housing and jobs fail to revive. An outsized first-quarter 2010 GDP (up 4.5.%) print is achieved despite a still moribund housing market and without any meaningful improvement in the labor market (excluding the increase in census workers) as corporations continue to cut costs and show little commitment to adding permanent employees.

3. The U.S. dollar explodes higher. After dropping by over 40% from 2001 to 2008, the U.S. dollar continued to spiral lower in the last nine months of 2009. Our currency's recent strength will persist, however, surprising most market participants by continuing to rally into first quarter 2010. In fact, the U.S. dollar will be the strongest major world currency during the first three or four months of the new year.

4. The price of gold topples. Gold's price plummets to $900 an ounce by the beginning of second quarter 2010. Unhedged, publicly held gold companies report large losses, and the gold sector lies at the bottom of all major sector performers. Hedge fund manager John Paulson abandons his plan to bring a new dedicated gold hedge fund to market.

5. Central banks tighten earlier than expected. China, facing reported inflation approaching 5%, tightens monetary and fiscal policy in March, a month ahead of a Fed tightening of 50 basis points, which, with the benefit of hindsight, is a policy mistake.

6. A Middle East peace is upended due to an attack by Israel on Iran. Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities before midyear. An already comatose U.S. consumer falls back on its heels, retail spending plummets, and the personal savings rate approaches 10%. The first-quarter spike in domestic growth is short-lived as GDP abruptly stalls.

7. Stocks drop by 10% in the first half of next year. In the face of renewed geopolitical tensions and reduced worldwide growth expectations, stocks drop as the threat of an economic double-dip grows. Surprisingly, though, the drop in the major indices is contained, and the U.S. stock market retreats by less than 10% from year-end 2009 levels.

8. Goldman Sachs goes private. Goldman Sachs (GS) stock drops back to $125 to $130 a share, within $15 of the warrant exercise price that Warren Buffett received in Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK.A) late 2008 investment in Goldman Sachs. Sick of the unrelenting compensation outcry, government jawboning and associated populist pressures, Warren Buffett teams up with Goldman Sachs to take the investment firm private. The deal is completed by year-end.

9. Second-half 2010 GDP growth turns flat. The Goldman Sachs transaction stabilizes the markets, which are stunned by an extended Mideast conflict that continues throughout the summer and into the early fall. While a diplomatic initiative led by the U.S. serves to calm Mideast tensions, flat second-half U.S. GDP growth and a still high 9.5% to 10.0% unemployment rate caps the U.S. stock market's upside and leads to a very dull second half, during which share prices have virtually flatlined (with surprisingly limited rallies and corrections throughout the entire six-month period). For the full year, the S&P 500 exhibits a 10% decline vs. the general consensus of leading strategists for about a 10% rise in the major indices.

10. Rate-sensitive stocks outperform; metals underperform. Utilities are the best performing sector in the U.S. stock market in 2010; gold stocks are the worst performing group, with consumer discretionary coming in as a close second.

11. Treasury yields fall. The yield of the 10-year U.S. note drops from 4% at the end of the first quarter to under 3% by the summer and ends the year at approximately the same level (3%). Despite the current consensus that higher inflation and interest rates will weigh on the fixed-income markets, bonds surprisingly outperform stocks in 2010. A plethora of specialized domestic and non-U.S. fixed-income exchange-traded funds are introduced throughout the year, setting the stage for a vast speculative top in bond prices, but that is a late 2011 issue.

12. Warren Buffett steps down. Warren Buffett announces that he is handing over the investment reins to a Berkshire outsider and that he plans to also announce his in-house successor as chief operating officer by Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting in 2011.

13. Insider trading charges expand. The SEC alleges, in a broad-ranging sting, the existence of extensive exchange of information that goes well beyond Galleon's Silicon Valley executive connections. Several well-known long-only mutual funds are implicated in the sting, which reveals that they have consistently received privileged information from some of the largest public companies over the past decade.

14. The SEC launches an assault on mutual fund expenses. The SEC restricts 12b-1 mutual fund fees. In response to the proposal, asset management stocks crater.

15. The SEC restricts short-selling. The SEC announces major short-selling bans after stocks sag in the second quarter.

16. More hedge fund tumult emerges. Two of the most successful hedge fund managers extant announce their retirement and fund closures. One exits based on performance problems, the other based on legal problems.

17. Pandit is out and Cohen is in at Citigroup. Citigroup's Vikram Pandit is replaced by former Shearson Lehman Brothers Chairman Peter Cohen. Cohen replaces a number of senior Citigroup executives with Ramius Partners colleagues. Sandy Weill rejoins Citigroup as a senior consultant.

18. A weakened Republican party is in disarray. Sarah Palin announces that she has separated from her husband, leaving the Republican party firmly in the hands of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. An improving economy in early 2010 elevates President Obama's popularity back to pre-inauguration levels, and, despite the market's second-quarter decline, the country comes together after the Middle East conflict, producing a tidal wave of populism that moves ever more dramatically in legislation and spirit. With the Democratic tsunami (part deux) revived, the party wins November midterm elections by a landslide.

19. Tiger Woods makes a comeback. Tiger Woods and his wife reconcile in early 2010, and he returns earlier than expected to the PGA Tour. After announcing that his wife is pregnant with their third child, both the PGA Tour's and Tiger Woods' popularity rise to record levels, and the golfer signs a series of new commercial contracts that insure him a record $150 million of endorsement income in 2011.

20. The New York Yankees are sold to a Jack Welch-led investor group. The Steinbrenner family decides, for estate purposes, to sell the New York Yankees to a group headed by former General Electric (GE) Chairman Jack Welch.



09 LC 21 0297

House Bill 430

By: Representative Franklin of the 43rd



To amend Title 7 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to banking and finance, so as provide a short title; to provide legislative findings; to define certain terms; to require any bank or lending institution serving as a depository for the state or any department or agency of the state to offer and to accept gold and silver coin for deposit; to amend Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to state government, so as to provide legislative findings; to define certain terms; to require the exclusive use of gold and silver coin as tender in payment of debts by or to the state; to provide for related matters; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


SECTION 1.This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Constitutional Tender Act."

SECTION 2.Title 7 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to banking and finance, is amended by adding a new chapter to read as follows:


7-9-1.The General Assembly finds and declares that sound, constitutionally based money is essential to the livelihood of the people of this state, to the stability and growth of the economy of this state and region, and vitally affects the public interest. The General Assembly further finds that Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution provides that no state shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.

7-9-2.As used in this chapter, the term:(1) 'Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollar accounts' means accounts based on federal reserve notes created by 12 U.S.C. Section 3, Subchapter XII.(2) 'Gold eagle accounts' means accounts based on the weight in troy ounces of the gold content of gold coins minted by the United States Mint since 1986 pursuant to 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(a)(7) through (a)(10) and 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(h).(3) 'Pre-1965 silver accounts' means accounts based on the face value of silver coins minted by the United States Mint prior to the Coinage Act of 1965 (Pub. L. 89, 81, 79 Stat. 254), having a 90 percent silver composition and containing when minted approximately 0.7234 troy ounces of silver per dollar of face value.(4) 'Silver eagle accounts' means accounts based on the weight in troy ounces of the silver content of silver coins minted by the United States Mint since 1986 pursuant to 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(e) and 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(h).

7-9-3.Banks and lending institutions chartered by the state pursuant to this title, and any bank or lending institution serving as a depository for the state or any department or agency of the state, shall offer gold and silver coins minted by the United States to, and shall accept them for deposit from, the state and other customers.

7-9-4.(a) Banks and lending institutions designated in Code Section 7-9-3 shall offer accounts denominated in:(1) Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollar accounts;(2) Pre-1965 silver accounts;(3) Silver eagle accounts; and(4) Gold eagle accounts.(b) Accounts established as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section shall be segregated from all other types of currency. Withdrawals shall be made in the same currency as deposits."

SECTION 3.Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to state government, is amended by adding a new chapter to read as follows:


50-37-1.The General Assembly finds that, as mandated by Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, the state shall not make anything but gold and silver coins as tender in payment of debts. Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Dollars, having no redeeming value in gold or silver coin, shall not be made a tender in payment of debts by the state.

50-37-2.As used in this chapter, the term:(1) 'Gold eagles' means gold coins minted by the United States Mint since 1986 pursuant to 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(a)(7) through (a)(10) and 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(h).(2) 'Pre-1965 silver coins' means silver coins minted by the United States Mint prior to the Coinage Act of 1965 (Pub. L. 89, 81, 79 Stat. 254), having a 90 percent silver composition and containing when minted approximately 0.7234 troy ounces of silver per dollar of face value.(3) 'Silver eagles' means silver coins minted by the United States Mint since 1986 pursuant to 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(e) and 31 U.S.C. Section 5112(h).

50-37-3.Pre-1965 silver coins, silver eagles, and gold eagles shall be the exclusive medium which the state shall use to make any payments whatsoever to any person or entity, whether private or governmental. Such coins shall be the exclusive medium which the state shall accept from any person or entity as payment of any obligation to the state including, without limitation, the payment of taxes; provided, however, that other forms of currency may be used in all other transactions within the state upon mutual consent of the parties of any such transaction.

50-37-4.The value of each coin used pursuant to Code Section 50-37-3 as payment of obligations by and to the state shall be determined by the current market value of the silver or gold content of each coin and not determined by the face value of each coin itself. The value of the silver or gold content of each coin shall be equal to the most recent United States dollar value set on the current business day by the London Silver Fixing Price and the London Gold Fixing Price as of 10:30 A.M. Greenwich Mean Time and 15:00 P.M. Greenwich Mean Time as follows:(1) Silver eagles and gold eagles shall be valued at the current market value of the silver or gold content of each coin; and(2) Pre-1965 silver coins shall be valued at the current market value of the silver content of each coin, multiplied times 0.715 of the face value of each coin.
50-37-5.The coins used pursuant to Code Section 50-37-3 shall be accepted for deposit by banks and lending institutions chartered by the state under Title 7 and by any bank or lending institution serving as a depository for the state or any department or agency of the state. Any such bank or lending institution may offer such coins to, and accept them for deposit from, other customers.

50-37-6.Checks or electronic transfers or payments drawn on pre-1965 silver accounts, silver eagle accounts, and gold eagle accounts as such accounts are defined in Code Section 7-9-2 and in accordance with Code Section 7-9-4 shall be deemed to satisfy the United States Constitution's requirement that payment of obligations by the state be made only in gold or silver coin and shall be deemed to satisfy the requirement of Code Section 50-37-3 for payment of obligations owed to the state."

SECTION 4.This Act shall become effective on January 1, 2010.
SECTION 5.All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.


IMF Chief Warns Of Riots In Response To Economic Crisis

Strauss-Kahn says advanced countries would see violent civil unrest if elite continue to exploit financial chaos for their own ends.

Paul Joseph Watson


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The head of the International Monetary Fund has warned that advanced nations will be hit by violent civil unrest if the elite continue to restructure the economy around their own interests while looting the taxpayer.
During a speech in Madrid, Dominique Strauss-Kahn said that “social unrest may happen in many countries – including advanced economies” if governments failed to adequately respond to the financial crisis.
“He added that violent protests could break out in countries worldwide if the financial system was not restructured to benefit everyone rather than a small elite,” reports the Guardian.
Strauss-Kahn’s comments echo those of others who have cautioned that civil unrest could arise, specifically in the U.S., as a result of the wholesale looting of the taxpayer and the devaluation of the dollar.

Widely respected trends forecaster Gerald Celente recently told Fox News that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.

Back in October, Senator Chris Dodd said that revolution would unfold if banks refused to lend money.
If it turns out that they are hoarding, you’ll have a revolution on your hands. People will be so livid and furious that their tax money is going to line their pockets instead of doing the right thing. There will be hell to pay,” Dodd told the New York Times.
Last month, leading economist Nouriel Roubini said that food riots would be the ultimate consequence of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury’s current policies.

Riots and demonstrations have gripped normally sedate Iceland following a financial catastrophe that has wiped out half of the krona’s value and put one third of the population at risk of losing their homes and life savings.
Expectations of violent civil unrest have not gone unnoticed by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute, who recently issued a report warning that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it terms “strategic shock.”
The consequence? The necessity to use “military force against hostile groups inside the United States,” according to the report. Tens of thousands of active duty military personnel returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are set to conduct “homeland patrols” inside the U.S. and their duties will include tackling “civil unrest and crowd control,” according to a Northcom announcement earlier this year.


Your Socialist Regime thinks It's not illegal to cross the boarder illegally" - WTF?!?
I discovered this interesting read on

No More Cash For Jailing Illegals

President Barack Obama has asked Congress to end federal payments to states and communities for jailing illegal immigrants as he continues along a path toward legalization of undocumented aliens. The budget plan Obama released on Thursday would end the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), under which states received $400 million in the current fiscal year to cover the cost of incarcerating convicts and pre-trial detainees who are illegally in the U.S.

Specifically, the SCAAP reimburses states and counties for jailer's salaries for holding illegal immigrants who are apprehended and found to have at least one felony and two misdemeanor convictions. Ironically, Obama co-sponsored an amendment in the Senate to increase funding for the program. The amendment was defeated.

With states along the Mexican border hard pressed to balance their budgets, the federal cut would likely lead to reduced incarceration of illegal aliens. Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has in fact stated that illegal immigration is really not a crime, saying in a CNN interview in April that "crossing the border is not a crime per se."

However, a statue clearly stipulates that crossing the border without authorization is a crime.

The elimination of the SCAAP is the latest sign that the Obama administration is softening the approach to illegal immigrants already in the country. The New York Times reported in early April that Obama would draft legislation this year allowing illegal immigrants to become legal citizens. The Times cited U.S. officials as saying that "the Obama administration favors legislation that would bring illegal immigrants into the legal system by recognizing that they violated the law, and imposing fines and other penalties to fit the offense."

Obama said in an interview with Univision Radio that he is "very committed" to immigration reform, stating: "We're going to start by really trying to work on how to improve the current system so that people who want to be naturalized, who want to become citizens . . . that they are able to do it." As reported earlier, Republicans fear that Obama and Congressional Democrats are pushing for amnesty for illegals to increase Democratic electoral chances. Studies show that new immigrants vote overwhelmingly Democratic.


I was looking for alternate ways of making laundry soap when I came across this recipe. While it uses bar soap and baking soda, it seems practical because it's easier to store those two things than the big containers of store-bought laundry detergent. I always have lots of baking soda around, and I love grabbing up three bars of soap for a buck at the dollar store.

You'll Need:
2 gallons of very hot water
1 bar of soap, grated
2 cups of baking soda (NOT washing soda)

In a medium "craft" saucepan, melt the grated soap with just enough hot water to cover. Cook on medium-low until the soap has completely melted. Be sure to stir frequently to avoid burning. Then into a large pail that you keep for this purpose, pour 2 gallons of very hot water. Add the now-melted soap and stir well. Add the baking soda and stir well again. When slightly cooled, pour into your laundry-soap container.

How to Use:

Use 1/2 cup per full load of wash. Double if the load is very dirty/soiled
Posted by William Lankes
Labels: Survival - Hygiene


Caring for a pet or pets in an emergency involves more than just having an extra supply of food. There are a number of issues to consider;
  • During an emergency or disaster situation your dog or cat must have an identification tag, proper license tag, and required vaccination tag on a collar. You should also have the vaccination records easily accessible in the event your pets need to be left in a kennel or boarded with other animals.
  • Dogs that have had obedience training are better prepared for handling in an emergency. Animals know when something is wrong and become stressed in times of trouble. This makes them harder to handle and less responsive. If they have had obedience training it is often easier for them and for you in a stressful environment.
  • You should also consider things such as a pet carrier, and all the supplies that are needed to care for your pet if you have to leave home. It is also wise to know in advance where you will leave your pet in your home or on your property if you have to leave but cannot bring your pet. You may also want to contact a local kennel to find out what plans, if any, they have for housing pets during an emergency. There will only be a limited number of spaces available in a kennel and perhaps you can make advance arrangements.
Imagine various emergencies and disasters and ask yourself what you might need to have in order to care for your pets. This might include things such as medications, a brush, a special familiar toy (for comfort during stressful times), blankets or towels, sanitation items, and first aid items designed for pets.
Emergency shelters do not accept pets, so if you must leave your pet behind have an emergency pen set up in your home that includes supply of dry food and a large, spill proof container of water. Preselecting a site in your home will make emergency preparations for you pet easier than waiting until the emergency occurs. It is a good idea to have an automatic feeder and water container on hand. Experts say it is not a good idea to leave a pet chained outside, but leaving a pet in a fenced area may be a good choice if the weather is not severe.

Discuss emergency preparations for your pet the next time you visit your veterinarian.

Posted by William Lankes

Labels: Survival - Pets


I recently found a recipe for making your own shampoo. It will certainly save you money. If nothing else, it might come in handy in an emergency:

Distilled White Vinegar
Baking Soda

Combine the two so that it’s runny. Dip your head back or forward. Pour mixture over hair. Use your fingertips and massage the mixture through your hair and scalp. Rinse. Follow with a light conditioner.
You will not believe how squeaky clean your hair will be - and feel! You might even find that you don’t have to wash it as often.


I now must vacuum my pool after the recent Santa Ana Winds. I began to search the web for ideas to make this task easier. I found several "leaf catchers" that began at prices starting at around $100.00. Really, $100.00. W.T.F! I took stock of what I had laying around the car port and decided to make my own. I had a 5 gallon [recently emptied to paint the car port] paint bucket with a snap on lid. This was gonna work! I took the leaf catcher net off of the pool pole and removed the metal circle holding it onto the pole. I then placed the net onto the paint bucket - while keeping the open end outside of the paint bucket lip and snaped on the lid. I took my drill and made a pilot hole  on top of the paint lid and used my jig saw to cut a hole in the center to the lid.- this is where I put the vacuum hose that is connected to the forward part of the vacuum hose [the vacuum head side]. I then did the same process on the bottom of the bucket and connected another vacuum hose where the water gets sucked into the actual pump. I sealed both ends with Marine chalking [used for sealing holes on boats $6.00 at Home Depot]. Total cost of the whole project $20.00. I had to buy another hose and the chalking. Pictures will follow when I figure out how to post them. Keep It Simple Stupid as my Drill Sergent used to say. Net savings $80.00.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The idea of a limited or termed legislative body in Washington - made up of those elected to represent the wishes of the people by whom they were elected -  is being well received on conservative radio talk show  programs. Why does the legislature need to meet in Washington several times a month when they are not clearly representing the needs of their constituants? Who represented my vote on the United Health Care Bill? Why did Obama decide to give bailouts to big business? If he had divided the Trillions of dollars given away to big business by the number of LEGAL citizens of the United States each household would have received approcimately $600.000.00. I know I could have paid off all my credit cards, paid off my mortgage, bought a new car AND could have paid for the kids college costs - all while stimulating the economy. I guess this would have made too much sense. How's the "Hope and Change" working out for ya?


2 Tbsp dried lemon or orange rind
1/4 cup baking soda
2 Tsp salt

Place rinds in food processor, grind until peel becomes a fine powder
Add baking soda and salt then process a few seconds more until you have a fine powder
Store in an airtight tin or jar
Dip moistened toothbrush into mixture
Brush as usual

6 teaspoons baking soda
1/3 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons glycerin
15 drops peppermint

Mix thoroughly
Should be a tooth paste consistency
You can add a few drops of peppermint or wintergreen for flavor
Store in a container

You'll be surprised with how fresh your mouth feels. One can even reuse a toothpaste container for this one. Cut out the seal in the rear of the tube. Rinse out the old tube. Fill with your new toothpaste concoction!